MAC'S GARLIC CHILLI IS BACK ! YIPEE YAY YAY ! :D I LOVE GARLIC CHILLI ! :Dmmm, the first week of school , was alright , there's still tmr , but till now it's alright, just tiring. been dreaming every night . DAMN DAMN SHAG , dreaming is the tired-est activity. you wake up and find that you haven't slept a wink. sigh.
yepp, school has reopened , i should stop my silly acts, get a hold on myself and STOP .
i dreamt that - told me ' i miss you' and i was actually really happy. lol. how much more retarded can i get. yea , forget those and get back to the real world.
ME WANTS THE NUM BLACK BOSTON BACKPACK ! would a kind soul get it for me ? pleaseeeee (:
`there's a sale now. if you wanna get it for me , hurry ! :D it's the black one with pretty gold 'num'. haha.
thank you very much.